CBSE Affiliation No:1930875  
Admissions Open for 2025-26     
CBSE Affiliation No:1930875  


Terms and Conditions


CMC I School – Terms and Conditions



  • Bookings must be made either by emailing the school at [email protected], [email protected] or by completing the online application form (top right of the home page) on the school's website
  • The School reserves the right to refuse admission to any student, at the absolute discretion of the School Managers / PRO. If a booking is refused by School Management, all fees paid will be refunded and subject to School Management diction. 



  1. Students must occupy their seats in the class at least five minutes before the first bell. 
  2. Each student needs to carry the diary daily to school. 
  3. Students are not allowed to wear any ornaments or bring any valuable articles to school. The school will not be responsible for the loss of any such articles brought by the students. 
  4. Personal hygiene and cleanliness is expected from all students. 
  5. Use Of bad words, fighting, destroying school property, showing disrespect & regular unpunctuality will be taken seriously and dealt with severely. 
  6. Students are not allowed to waste food. 
  7. ID card to be worn daily. If not a fine of Rs. 10/- will be collected. 
  8. If the ID card is lost, a fine Of Rs. 100/- will be collected.


  1. Responsibility Of sending the ward to school on time rests on the parent/Guardian. 
  2. The Parents / guardians wishing to meet the ward inside the school campus should seek prior permission of the principal.
  3. Parents/Guardian can meet the principal or teachers on Saturdays by prior appointment.
  4. Parents / Guardians are expected to go through and sign the diary of their ward daily.
  5. Parents/Guardians are requested to attend al/ school meetings to keep themselves abreast with school activities.
  6. If the child is sick, send him/her to school only after recovery.
  7. Ensure that your ward does daily studies and homework.
  8. All suggestions and complaints are to be in writing with the student’s name, class and parents phone no. to notify the action taken.
  9. Parents/Guardians are requested to see that his/her ward wears the uniform prescribed by the school.
  10. Parents/Guardians have to pay for any damages done to the school property by their child. 
  11. It is only if the school, parents & students work as a team, that we can expect positive changes and learning to happen in a smooth way. 



  1. School fees to be paid on the date prescribed by the school or late fee will be collected with fine. 
  2. School leaving certificate or transfer certificate will not be issued without a (10 days prior) written application from the parent/guardian. 
  3. Transfer certificate will be issued after al/ dues to the school have payed/cleared. 



  • Payment can be made by bank transfer to the school's account (details below) 

Account Holder Name: CMC International School
Bank: Indian Overseas Bank
Account Number: 015002000004227
Branch: Park Square
IFSC Code: 10BA0000150
Mail Id: [email protected] 

Note: With all payments, you must quote the invoice number and the name of the student.


  • The school reserves the right to cancel a student's course and/or accommodation in the event of misconduct or unsatisfactory attendance. Cancellations by students or their representatives must be made to the school in writing.
  • Cancellations of homestay accommodation must be received a minimum of 14 days before the accommodation start date, in order to qualify for a full refund. Cancellation of residential accommodation must be received 28 days before the accommodation start date, in order to qualify for a full refund.
  • Students cancelling accommodation without giving the required notice (above) will be charged for any accommodation they have booked and already missed, plus either 1 week’s homestay accommodation (if they have booked homestay) or 6 weeks residential accommodation (if they have booked a residence).
  • Students cancelling and giving the required notice (above) will receive a refund of all fees, less the enrolment fee.
  • No refund will be given for any cancellations after the course start date unless in exceptional circumstances, at the absolute discretion of school management.
  • Any refunds of payments made to the school by credit card will be subject to the deduction of any credit card charges incurred by the school at the time of payment.



  • The school does not accept liability for injury, illness, accident, damage to or loss of property and/or personal effects when on school premises except where such liability is imposed under Indian law.
  • We strongly recommend students to ensure they have appropriate travel, medical and personal property insurance for their visit.



  • The school is not liable for failure to perform its duties as a result of events beyond the school’s reasonable control such as fire, flood, war, acts of terrorism, storms, the outbreak of infectious diseases, government sanction and other instances that constitute force majeure. In such instances no refunds can be made for services not received nor for any that are cancelled.



  • The school reserves the right to cancel or alter a course in exceptional circumstances. In such cases, the school will either offer a refund or an alternative course. The school reserves the right to change teachers during courses. Such changes are always kept to the minimum, but are unavoidable when teachers are on holiday or sick.
  • Very occasionally, the stated maximum class size of 15 may be exceeded. Such occurrences are for short periods only. In the case of a single student enrolled on a group course, the school reserves the right to offer the cost-equivalent number of individual one-to-one lessons. If the student’s level is inappropriate for the course booked, the school reserves the right to move the student to a different course or, if preferred, to cancel the course and to refund all tuition fees.



  1. Generally, withdrawals are not permitted except at the end of the year, unless such a withdrawal is warranted by the transfer of the Parent/ Guardian or other extenuating circumstances. In all these cases the decision of the authorities will be final. 
  2. Transfer Certificate: Notice of withdrawal must be given in writing before 28th March. T.C fee is Rs. 200/-. 


T.C fee is payable as follows:

  1. Only TC fee is payable if applied before march. 
  2. Rs. 1000 + TC fee if applied from 1stAprilt031st April 
  3. 1 month's tuition fee + TC fee if applied from 1st May to 15th May. 

1 term fee + TC fee if applied after 15th May.


  • Toddler Mont: School hours are from 08.30 am to 12.00 pm. 
  • Senior Mont to Class X: School hours are from 08.30 am to 03.50 pm. 



  1. Students are expected to attend 100%of their lessons. If a student is ill or cannot attend for any other reason, he or she must call the school to inform staff. In any case, students must attend a minimum of 80% of their lessons. Failure to do so could result in the school cancelling the course.
  2. Students with an attendance record below 80% will not receive an end-of course certificate. 
  3. Parents should make sure that their wards do not remain absent except under unavoidable circumstances. 
  4. Parents should send a leave note for the absence of their ward. 
  5. In case of absence without prior information, the reason of absence to be entered and signed by the parent in the leave record of the diary. 
  6. For medical leave, doctor's certificate needs to be submitted. 
  7. If the student is sick, he shouldn’t be sent to school.


  1. The reporting time for the students is 08.50 am. 

Late comers will be allowed twice with Principal's permission and the third time they will be sent back.


  • Sports uniform is worn on Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday. 
  • Regular uniform is worn on all other days.


BOYS - White shirt, checked shorts, Black socks & Black shoes 

GIRLS - Navy Blue Pinafore, Black socks & Black shoes


BOYS - White Shirt & Navy Blue, Pant and Waistcoat, *Monday blazer

GIRLS - White Shirt, Waistcoat, Navy Blue Skirt Compulsory 



  • The school will be closed on Tamil Nadu public holidays. No refund can be given for lessons missed as a result of this.
  • Students are not charged for courses during this time. Students on long-term courses are able to take short holidays but must discuss this with management staff and obtain permission before they book the holiday.



  • At times the school may photograph or film students in classroom settings or on school activities, or may make use of such photographs and/or films made by students, for marketing and promotional purposes. Students objecting to this (or their parents/guardian if they are below 18) must inform the school in writing at the time of booking.



  1. The marks obtained in all tests and examinations will be taken into account for promotion. Hence pupil should take all tests and examinations seriously.
  2. No leave will be granted during the time of examinations.
  3. The evaluated answer scripts will be distributed to the students for perusal. The progress cards will be given to the parents on OPEN DAY
  4. A minimum of 75% attendance is required for the student to be eligible for examination/ Promotion.
  5. Minimum 50 % marks to be secured in each subject for promotion to next class. 



  1. Cent percent attendance is expected from each pupil.
  2. Pupils should be present on the closing and re-opening dates of a vacation. 
  3. Pupils should as a rule, attend all the tests and examinations. If a pupil does not, for health reasons, attend the examinations, he/she should produce a medical certificate from registered medical practitioner. 
  4. Students are not permitted to go home after the unit test & mid-term assignment, if done the child will be marked absent. 
  5. On account of any long leave due to health issues, parents are Strictly instructed to provide the authorized M. C. 
  6. Parents leave / Permission requisition letter is mandatory. 


  • Students coming late to school will not be allowed in general, except when parents accompany them with a letter explaining the reason. Students will not be allowed to leave the school in the middle of the class hours or for a part of the day without a letter from the parent requesting for such permission. 
  • The students must come with their lunch to the school. parents are not allowed to be in the school during the lunch time and no child will be allowed to go home during the lunch break. These are for reasons and security and safety of the children.


  1. Every pupil must bring the hand book to the school daily. 
  2. Pupils must be in the school premises at least 10 minutes before the first bell. 
  3. Late comers will be fined unless there is a genuine reason. 
  4. Every student must come to school in full school uniform on all school days including test and examination days. 
  5. The student should be neat and clean. 
  6. Hair and nails must be neatly maintained and trimmed regularly. Fancy hairclips and nail polish are discouraged. 
  7. Pupils should take care of their books and belongings. 
  8. Students should not wear costly jewels and ornaments and should not bring valuables to school. 
  9. All students are expected to take part in co-curricular activities of the school as part of their education. 
  10. School games and exercises are compulsory for all except in case of exemption for medical reasons supported by certificates from recognized medical practitioners. 
  11. Irregular attendance, indifference to studies, misbehavior in the classrooms, arrogance and lack of respect to the teacher, cheating of any kind, serious misconduct and the like, are sufficient reasons for severe punishment and even dismissal from school. 
  12. Parents are requested to contact office for all routine transactions. 
  13. Assignments, notebooks and other such records are to be produced on the specified dates without fail. 
  14. Use of Bad words, fighting, destroying school property, showing disrespect & regular unpunctuality will be taken seriously and dealt with severely. 
  15. Students are not allowed to waste food.